Loyalty Awards 2021: 3 great distinctions for Pobuca

- marketing
- June 3, 2021
- Categories: Press
- Tags: AWARDS
Pobuca won three major awards, with one gold and two bronze awards in the categories "Fashion & Beauty" and "Best Use of CRM" for the loyalty solutions of its CX platform.
Athens, 3rd June 2021 – In a year that will surely not be easily forgotten, Loyalty Awards 2021 came for the fourth consecutive time to reward the best practices and loyalty initiatives of all those companies that came closer to their customers and managed to turn a transaction into a great customer experience.
In defiance of the difficult conditions due to the pandemic, the participation in this year’s awards has exceeded all expectations to culminate with the award and photography ceremony that took place on Tuesday, June 1, at House 124, in Ag. Paraskevi, in the presence of the winners and members of the jury, in an event that took place in full compliance with the health protocol and strict protection measures by COVID-19.
Among the big winners of the awards is Pobuca, with three great distinctions in the following categories:
• Gold award for the program “BSB REWARDS”, in the category Fashion & Beauty
• Bronze award for the program “Lynne For You”, in the category Fashion & Beauty
• Bronze award for the program “Lynne For You”, in the category Best Use of CRM
For yet another year, in this year’s Loyalty Awards, more loyalty schemes were submitted than in any previous event, with the competition for a place at the podium being more intense than ever.
“For the fourth consecutive year, the Loyalty Awards come to highlight with even greater success the importance of loyalty programs and initiatives in maintaining and strengthening business relationships with customers, while also being the benchmark for all companies to compare their initiatives and programs. We are very proud of our 3 distinctions for our loyalty programs and full of enthusiasm to continue to bring even more added value in our CX solutions, for the benefit of consumers and companies” stated Isidoros Sideridis, CEO of Pobuca.